Saturday, February 23, 2013

Fresh Kale - Dehydrated

Last weekend, I had to travel out of town to attend continuing education.  We packed fruits and vegetables for the trip and I made dehydrated kale using both dinosaur and curly kale.  I washed and rinsed the kale and then placed them in the dehydrator.  I then added a light sprinkle of salt for flavor.
Dinosaur Kale (above)
Curly Kale (below)

I placed them in the dehydrator overnight and then packed them in a container for the trip.

Enjoying some of the dehydrated kale in the hotel room.

I preferred the dinosaur kale over the curly kale when it came to dehydrating.  The curly kale became very fragile and was a bit messy as it crumbled when I was eating it.  The dinosaur kale tasted better dehydrated and didn't make a mess when I was eating it.

Who says kids won't eat kale?  Here is my 2 year old son enjoying the nutritious leaf:

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