Monday, May 13, 2013

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothies *UPDATED*

Here is a revised version of the breakfast/dessert smoothie we make often at home:
Ingredients:  Bananas, PB2, almond milk, ground flax seed, spinach or kale, dates and cocoa nibs(optional)
This fun drink is what we will fix for a special treat.
 The secret is that you have to pre-freeze your bananas! When you have a bunch of extra bananas, freeze them without the peel in a plastic bag BEFORE they get over-ripe. As long as you have some frozen bananas in your freezer, you can make this anytime!
Put some frozen bananas in the blender. I used 6 here, but you can tailor this to however much you want to make.
We used to use peanut butter for this recipe but thanks to a friend of mine(Thanks, M.O.H. for introducing us to peanut powder!)  informing us about peanut powder, have now switched to using PB2 instead of Peanut Butter. What is BP2? Well, it's the peanut flavor in a powder form with 85% less fat and calories. It tastes EXACTLY like peanut butter we previously used in the smoothie. NO ONE would be able to tell the difference. It's that good, people. We use about 1 tsp. per 4 cups of smoothie. 

We have found it at Walmart, Hy-Vee, Whole Foods and Bambi's Green Acres Natural Foods Market in Council Bluffs. It's probably at most health and natural food stores and it's around $5 to $6 per container. 
An added plus of using the PB2 is that the peanut butter made cleaning the blender much more time consuming. 
 Add some Vanilla Almond Milk.

We throw in about 1 tsp. per person of  Bobs Red Mill Organic Flax Seed Meal for the omega 3 fatty acid benefits.

I always add a big hand full of fresh organic spinach or kale.   I prefer frozen kale as it has a less bitter taste as it has already been steamed and this process takes some of the bitterness out. The spinach or kale is the most important ingredient to this smoothie so don't leave it out!
For a bit of sweetness, you can add 1-2 dates, pit removed.
For added antioxidant benefits, I add a 1/2 tsp of cocoa nibs.  Cocoa nibs have been found to have more antioxidant benefits than blueberries.  CLICK HERE to find out more about the benefits of cocoa nibs.
 Blend it all up and pour it into cups with straws!
Now go freeze some bananas so you can have this tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Go out this instant and seek out peanut flour - it's a great alternative to peanut butter in smoothies! A quarter cup has 4g of fat compared to the 16g in 2 tbsp of pb, and twice as much protein! I used to buy it a Trader Joe's, but I heard a rumor that they no longer carry it. Try looking at Whole Foods.
