Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What would you say?

Just think how amazing it would be to let your current self go back in time and have a conversation with your teenage self for a couple of hours.  What would you tell, warn and advise the younger version of yourself?  Would the topic of eating healthier come up?  Obviously, you would want to inform yourself of the things that would have the most positive impacts on your life, so I hope that eating very healthy would be part of that conversation.  

So, let's reverse the tables.   What do you think your future self would come back in time to tell you? What if your future self is diabetic, diagnosed with lung cancer, has suffered a stroke or heart attack?   Would the future lung cancer diagnosis get you to stop smoking today?  Would the future heart attack get you thinking about how much fast and junk food you eat?   Would the future diabetes get you to stop drinking soda and fast/junk food?  What do you think your future self would advise?

What if the future you came back to tell you to become as healthy as possible, that the future you told you what lifestyle plan you should undertake to impress that future self?

I know that neither of these scenarios are going to happen, yet it gives me a way of thinking about my future self and things that I can do now, today and tomorrow, to make my future a better one.  I realized a couple of years ago that I could make my future self proud by eating so healthy that I increased the likelihood of future health and reduced the risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease.  

There is overwhelming evidence in nutrition, medical and research studies to show that healthy eating is a key component to determining our current and future health status.

So, where do you start?  Do your own research.  Find out what foods are known to reduce and increase the risks of diabetes, cancer and heart disease.   Use this as a basic guide for your start.  Evolve you plan as you find what foods and recipes you like and dislike. 

Search www.mayoclinic.org for nutrition and healthy eating.

View Dr. Greger's videos on www.nutritionfacts.org

Look at www.whfoods.com to see what amazing nutrition exists in the world's healthiest foods.

 Let this be a start of your journey to make the future you proud....and healthier. 

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