Sunday, December 16, 2012

Gift Cards

From a post I made on Facebook earlier this year:
So, there is something I have done occasionally and I thought it would be great to get some people on board to adopt this activity and pass it on. This is something cool and is rewarding to yourself and others. You can use any type of gift cards you want, but I always keep a couple of $5 coffee shop gift cards(Starbucks works good or we have Scooters Coffee here and that is what I use) in your billfold/purse. Don't use them for yourself, unless in case of emergency : )......but if you see someone performing a random act of kindness or if you see someone is having a really bad day, give them a card. Make sure to tell them why they are receiving the card and thank them for doing what they did or wish them that the rest of their day goes better if you gave them the card because they were having a bad/stressful day. Reinforce their positive behavior. If they decline it or they say that they don't drink coffee or go to where the gift card is for, then ask that they keep the card in their billfold/purse and look for someone in need or deserving of it for them to give it to. I promise it will be the best $20 you can find spending. Just think if just one of those 4 people adopt this activity and pass it on. It is also great to give these to coworkers, family members, babysitters, lawn care workers, etc. Maybe you see a mother by herself with multiple children and she is overwhelmed. Tell her to go out and take some time out for herself. Sometimes, you may want to even give yourself a card if you do something that impresses yourself and yet no one was there to give you a card. Try it! I promise you will find it rewarding beyond description. I ensure you you will make their day.

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