Wednesday, August 15, 2012


What is your excuse for not transforming you life today?  If you answered this question with anything but "I don't have an excuse", it is the wrong answer.
Make a change. Define your goal. Think about what you really want. What would REALLY make you happy? Start off committed and end it strong. Begin today because tomorrow is too late and you should have started this yesterday. Your goal is not going to come to you if you just stand at the starting line. You need to work towards you goal every day....E V E R Y  D A Y.  People that achieve and maintain their goals act and commit to the plan of action immediately and have a strong follow through. They make mistakes along the way, rechart their course and aim for the goal again. You know what you need to do. And if you don't, go talk to people who do what you want to. What better expert? Now is the best time to start.  No excuses.

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