Saturday, August 18, 2012

I Love You

Even though my children are not hearing impaired, I like giving them a non-verbal gesture/sign of how I feel for them. Any parent can tell their child that they love them and I am an advocate of this being spoken to them often in a heartfelt manner. That being said, I feel compelled to provide something in addition to this, something that my children can identify with as their own. It works great if we are separated by a distance or if we are in an environment of silence. For example if I am outside doing yard work and the kids are inside watching out of the window, I can give them our love sign. If I am leaving for work I can throw this gesture before I get in the car to go. In the future when they are in a dance recital, play or on stage at school, yep, I can sign them my love. Maybe in church when you are not supposed to be talking or across a crowded room just to let them know you are thinking about them. There are many different times this could come in handy and it's fun! It's especially heartwarming when they initiate the showing of the sign cause it's your 'secret' thing!
It is also something that you can take a photo of and frame for them to put in their bedroom or just photo and send to their phone at any random time. You can create your own hand signal or you can use our sign.....simply, it lets them know that I love them.
In my opinion, doing things like this for and with your children makes them feel unique and special because you are sharing things for them that are above and beyond what other parents do for and with their children. 

1 comment:

  1. My mom taught this sign to my sister and I when we were very little. She would leave the house for work and as she was sitting in the car in our driveway, my sister and I would peek out the window to see her signing this to us every day. It is one of my most special memories of my mother, and it is something that I have continued to use.
