Friday, August 17, 2012

Worlds Healthiest Foods

If you ever wanted to know why a certain food is healthy and what all the benefits are of that food for your health, this website is AWESOME! Click on any of the foods on there and it will tell you all about it! It has the history of the food, which is really interesting to see how it has transformed into what we see today. They even tell you how to choose the best ones and at what time of year they have the most flavor. It goes through how to store it when you get it home for optimum nutrients and freshness. There are ideas on how to prepare it, and they rate it among all the other healthiest foods. It is chuck full of all kinds of facts and information that are VERY informative, and just cool to know when you are shopping so you spend your money on the foods that will benefit you the most!!! It will provide you with all kinds of fun facts you can entertain others with at a party! : )
You can go to it HERE. Have fun!

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