Sunday, January 20, 2013

My Intentions and Goals for Viewers of this Blog

For the record, I am not out to convert the world to veganism or vegetarianism.  Although this lifestyle is a perfect fit for our family I understand that it may not be for you or your family.  If I have invited you to this blog it is not to covert you but because I care about your health and well-being and I want to share with you information about how you can improve your health and your quality of life.  I don't mind that you eat meat and dairy and there are ways to compromise between veganism and the typical American diet.
So......if you are going to eat meat, choose leaner cuts of meat and avoid processed meat.  The Cancer Institute for Cancer Research defines processed meat as “meat preserved by smoking, curing or salting, or addition of chemical preservatives.” Ham, bacon, pastrami, sausages, hot dogs and luncheon meats are all considered processed meat.
If you are going to consume eggs or cheese, limit your amount and frequency of these products.  If you are going to drink milk, choose skim over the higher fat milks.  Try almond milk and consider substituting this for milk in some recipes.
I ask that you understand and read food labels.  Know how much sodium, fat and sugar is in the food you are consuming and look for foods that have lower levels of these components.   Make more of your own meals instead of having a fast food worker prepare it for you.  Avoid foods that have high-fructose corn syrup. 
Eat more raw spinach.  Try kale in one of your recipes.  Order a vegetarian pizza with no cheese....better yet, make yourself one at home.   Eat more broccoli and cauliflower.  Find a way to incorporate chia seeds or flax seeds into your daily recipes.  Make baked sweet potato fries at home instead of fries from the drive thru.   Blend a green smoothie for your family.  Drink more water.  Say no to soda, both diet and regular.  Try one vegetarian/vegan recipe that we post on the blog. Better yet, try them all.  Consider drinking green tea everyday.  Commit to getting 1-2 more hours of sleep than you normally allow yourself.
Watch the documentary, "Forks Over Knives" or  read "The China Study".  Go for a walk instead of watching television.  Get a gym membership and go frequently.  If you haven't gone in for an annual physical or eye exam, schedule one now.
See, you don't have to convert to veganism to impress me, rather, if you consider doing at least one of the above things.......that would make. me. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!

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